Injured worker

Common Mistakes When Self-Treating

The majority of the referrals I get for physical therapy are sub-acute or chronic injuries. For a muscle, that means the injury is generally four or more days old. Three days may seem like a small amount of time, but a lot can happen in the tissues in 72 hours!   In this brief post, I’ll go over the most common mistakes I see when self-treating a minor injury.  NOT treating.  If I had a dollar for every patient that told me “It wasn’t a big deal, so I just thought it would go away…” That may have worked when…

teamwork workers compensation

Are you with me or against me?

With over 20 years experience in building partnerships between healthcare providers and local businesses, I’ve seen a wide variety of less-than-optimal decisions. Business owners and their HR/ safety teams are being pulled in many directions these days. It was that way before COVID-19, but even more so now. As healthcare providers servicing these businesses, we need to make their lives easier, not more complicated. For those on the business side of this equation, consider your relationship with your healthcare partners on your workers compensation panel. How can you improve the partnership to work WITH YOU, not against you? Here is…

Buy Local Coalition - York PA

Buy Local Coalition – York County Pennsylvania

Here at Beck Therapy we believe in our local initiatives and working with York County businesses to promote our local work forces. As a proud member of the York County Economic Alliance and the buy local coalition we work with local businesses providing ergonomic assessments, preventative care, and work task analyses to help prevent workplace injury and provide a safe workplace. Contact us to see what we can do for you.

York County Economic Alliance Proud Member

York County Economic Alliance

Beck Therapy is proud to support the York County Economic Alliance. We work primarily with York County businesses providing outstanding onsite physical therapy and related services. Our membership with the alliance demonstrates our passion for the local community and our commitment to making York County excellent.