What is a safe workplace?

I am frequently asked, "what is a safe workplace" or "how do we make this process safer for our employees". To help answer these questions I have created methods to assess your workplace and train your staff on appropriate care they should take to perform physical tasks. These services are broken down into three distinct areas. As represented on my Beck Therapy safe workplace model, Beck Therapy will help you address each of your responsibilities.

  • To assess the ergonomics of your facility
  • To train your employees on occupational hazards
  • To provide early intervention to reduce OSHA reportable instances
  • To provide a safe and healthy workplace free from recognized hazards

Safe Workplace Model

Beck Therapy Safe Workplace Model

Using this safe workplace model, Beck Therapy will help you address each of your responsibilities.

Ergonomic Risk Assessment (ERA)

Ergonomic Risk Assessment (ERA)

An employee, job, or specific task is observed by Beck Therapy to determine the risk for potential injury. The report is broken down into parts of the body and level of associated risk for each. Recommended solutions are also included in the report. A specific employee can be immediately trained in body mechanics and safe working methods during the assessment.

Neuro-Muscular Early Intervention (NMEI)

Neuro-Muscular Early Intervention (NMEI)

NMEI is designed to reduce an employer's OSHA recordable rate. Employees with specific complaints can be seen early by the therapist before the symptoms become severe. Employees are evaluated and their job tasks are observed. If appropriate, the employee is provided first aid and education. Employers are provided recommendations, as needed.

Employee Training

Employee Training

The employer's most valuable asset, their staff, are educated in a wide variety of topics aimed at reducing injuries by arming the staff with knowledge. Customizable topics include but are not limited to: proper lifting methods, job-specific ergonomics, protecting your knees, back, shoulder, and hands from injury, along with stretching & fitness.